Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Livin it up in Nompton

Soooooooooo, in keeping with my love of lists, I've decided to start a "Things to do in Norman and the surrounding areas with people who would like to hang out because we won't be able to hang out for a while" list. Feel free to comment some suggestions because I know you Normanites have been keeping those underground Latin salsa dance clubs secret from us wanna be Normanites.

1. Happy hour (or any hour for that matter) at the Library
2. Play with my dogs
3. Make something at the Beadery
4. Buy music at Guestroom
5. See a movie at the Ed Nobel Theater/ art exhibit at Oklahoma City Museum of Art
6. Eat at Sushi Neko
7. Stay out dancing all night long with friends
8. Take some photos of things that remind me of Norman
9. Make a snow angel (please snow one more time!!!!!!!!!!!)
10. Get a beer and prepare for stares at Ol' Blues Bar on Flood

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to go to Ol' Blues! I also really want to go to Old #9 on Alameda. We should plan a "Sketchy Bars of Norman" tour.