Monday, December 25, 2006


The other night, I dreamt that I witnessed a hostage situation in a car that I was following. I tried to get the licence plate number. After I couldn't see that clearly, I followed the car with the hostage to a house. I ended up getting caught and played a game of hide and seek with the criminal. It was pretty creepy.

On a ligher note, Christmas was wonderful this year. I have gone on two amazing runs around my neighborhood in Carrollton (thanks to the new MP3 player from Chris), reflecting on whom and what I will miss. I am so grateful that I was able to spend these past few holidays with my family and that I will be around for the birth of one of my best friend's first child. I received an email from the Peace Corps stating that they "are looking forward to my arrival in D.C. on the 29th of January". That was news to me, as I still haven't received my staging kit, which tells me how to make travel arrangements. I also got a letter for you guys to read, which I posted as the "Peace Corps info for friends and family" link.

My family will be making our annual visit to Beavers Bend State Park in a few days. We will celebrate my Mother's 55th birthday with family friends and hike nature trails that I know like the back of my calloused hands. I am looking forward to 3 days of solace through hikes, books, runs, camp fires and soul soups and pastas. Roscoe is almost as excited as I am. His frisbee is already packed in the car.

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