Thursday, December 14, 2006

My so-called boring life

So, I was told the other day by a good-hearted person that my blog (I still haven't gotten used to that word) has recently been "kinda boring". Yikes! Does that mean my life is kinda boring? Well, I guess I'll let you decide that one. But, heck, I'm having a good time and that's all that matters, right?

This is a little of what I've been doing since I started feeling like the departure count down has begun.

I go to my awesome advocating job for NASW two times a week, and usually babysit for these adorable (that is until 5 o'clock comes around) two kiddos once a week.

In the past few weeks, I've been taking advantage of the sweet things that OU has to offer, such as plays, capstones and concerts. I saw Iphigenia, a Greek tragedy put on by the drama department. I also saw Joanna Newsom and Billy Callahan from Smog. Both perfomed amazing sets, but I can't stop describing how mesmorizing Joanna Newsom and her harp were.

I've been practicing yoga at Ashtanga Yoga Studio on Campus Corner about 3 or 4 times a week. If you like being surrounded by genuine people and have ever been interested in learning Ashtanga yoga, I highly recommend a visit.

I've been reading a ton and looking for good books to read. I just finished Little Children by Tom Perrotta; a great dynamic read. Have any more suggestions?

I've been making a lot of lists. I have a list of what to pack. I have the obvious list of what needs to be done before I leave (like making tons of phone calls). I even started a list of random things that I like and a list of things that I don't like that has nothing to do with The Gambia.

I've also recently decided to do a trial period of vegetarianism (still consuming fish, dairy and eggs). Partly because I'm interested to see if it will help with my yoga practice, but also because if it doesn't work out, eating in The Gambia may be easier. Okay, yeah, that really doesn't make any sense, but I'm going to try it anyway.

Also, I'm helping my friend, Joe, plan a huge New Year's Eve party. I think it's gonna be awesome. Last time he had a party, there was a bar tender. More to come on that later, but mark your calendars!

Finally, I have definitely NOT been stuyding for the GRE. I don't even know if I want to take it right now. It's just so much easier to watch my lists grow longer and longer and enjoy a few seasonal beers at The Libaray with good company.

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