Friday, January 12, 2007

I think this is called the breaking point

Okay, so I woke up in a panic this morning, after reading through some paper work again last night and realizing that I truly will be leaving in less than 3 weeks. I am constantly worried about what to pack. What the heck am I doing going to Austin this soon before I leave? I know I'm over-reacting, but shouldn't I be in Norman packing and re-packing 20 times like I feel like I should be doing? Shouldn't I be spending as much time as possible with Roscoe and Aaron and Lisa's new baby? I know things are going to work out just fine, but since I had access to a computer, I just needed to get a few things off my mind.

Also, if you are thinking you want to send me away with a little something special, here are a few things that might be handy:

1. Burt's Bees chap stick (The regular, tube kind. Thanks to Brandon, I found out that the honey one is not quite my style.)

2. A short wave radio

3. Small speakers for the MP3 player

4. A star and constellation chart

5. Basic toiletries

6. Ideas for host family gifts, maybe something small and unique to Oklahoma

7. A small thermos

Okay, now I feel a little better. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Summit says hi! He's hanging out with me here and checking email while his Mom takes a much-needed nap.