Friday, January 12, 2007

mail it to me! (and going away party)

First thing's first: A going away party is scheduled for Friday, January 19th at my friend Sarah's house. She lives on the corner of Oakwood and McGee in Norman. Not sure of the exact address or time yet (probably 8:30 or 9), but mark your calendars because I NEED to see you!!!!!!!!!!!

Since it could take up to 4 weeks for mail to get to and from The Gambia, you can start mailing me letters! I'm not exactly sure how much it costs, but you can check with the post office. Make sure to send it "Air Mail" otherwise, we'll both learn a whole other meaning to the term "snail mail." Also, they suggest numbering letters, so we can tell if one goes missing. Finally, use an envelope or perhaps even a padded envelope for heavier packages instead of post cards because they are more likely to get lost.

Here is my address:

Courtney Gilman, PCV
U.S. Peace Corps
PO Box 582
Banjul, The Gambia
West Africa

Who wants to come visit me? If you are the least bit interested, click on the link that says "Info for friends and family" on the right side of this page. They suggest starting to plan your trip at least 6 months in advance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, this is a liittle delayed, sorry:

1720 Oakwood Drive.